Parsing Exam Scantron Sheets with Cassava

Jan Hlavacek · 2019/05/19 · 11 minute read

For many years, our department has been organizing an annual math competition for local high school students, called imaginatively Math Olympics. Over time it went through a number of format changes, the current one being a 25 question multiple choice exam, with two different levels of difficulty. Students fill in Scantron bubble sheets, which are then scanned using a machine. Because of our specific scoring process, we do not use the scoring software that comes with the machine. Instead, we take the data file that comes from the machine, and run it through our own scoring program. Currently this program is a 13 years old Python 2 script, that has been modified extensively during the years.

Recently, we switched to a new model of Scantron machines, that produce comma separated files instead of the raw text files that the old machines created. While it was easy to modify the Python script to parse the new format, the new machine provide some new options that we would like to take an advantage of. In particular, with the new data format, students can fill in several bubbles for each question. In the old format, this would be marked as an error by the machine, but the new machine tells us exactly which bubbles were filled in. That gives us the possibility to use questions that have several correct answers, and either accept any of them as correct, or require that students mark all the correct options in their answer. That would, however, require some significant changes to the scoring script, and at this moment, it may actually be a good option to rewrite the script from scratch. I have decided to try to write the new scorer in Haskell instead of Python.

The Data Format:

Each record in the csv file consists of 202 columns: the student name, ID number, and 200 answers. The student name has 74 uppercase letters or spaces (the actual field on the sheet is only 20 characters long, the machine appends 54 spaces to it), the ID field has 32 spaces of digits (again, the actual fiels for ID on the scantron sheet is only 7 characters long, this time the machine prepends 25 spaces before the ID for some reason). Each of the 200 answer columns seem to contain one of the following:

  • the text “BLANK”, when the answer was left blank,
  • one of the letters A, B, C, D, or E, when only one bubble was filled,
  • comma separated list of letters in parentheses, when several bubbles were filled, for example “(A,B,D)”.

We will represent each record as

data Sheet = 
        { name :: !Text
        , id :: !Text
        , answers :: [Set Option]
        deriving (Eq, Show)

where the Option type is given by

data Option = A | B | C | D | E | Invalid deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

with one option for each of the 5 possible letter, and an Invalid option just in case something unexpected shows up.

Cassava library

There are couple of options for csv parsing with Haskell. I decided to use the Cassava library, which has nice easy to use interface and good documentation. There is even a nice tutorial. There were still some things that I had to figure out, though. All the examples and tutorials seem to deal with csv files that have 3 or 4 columns. Ours has 202 columns. Also, I wanted to use the same parsing library to deal with the answers of the “(A,B,C)” form, which turned out to be surprisingly easy. One great thing about Haskell is that a lot of stuff can be figured out simply by looking at type signatures.


GHC extensions

We will use couple of GHC extensions to make things easier:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

Cassava uses ByteStrings to represent input, and the OverloadedStrings extension will make it possible to compare ByteStrings to String literals.

Since each individual answer is represented as Set Option, to be able to parse them, we will have to make Set Option an instance of FromField type class. FlexibleInstances will make that possible without having to wrap Set Option in another specialized type.


First of all we will obviously need some imports from the Cassava library:

import Data.Csv
  ( FromRecord(parseRecord)
  , FromField(parseField)
  , decode
  , HasHeader(NoHeader)
  , (.!)

We will use Text to represent both the student name and the ID, so we will need Data.Text:

import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

The input data is represented using ByteStrings. All the actual characters will be printable ASCII symbols (actually only uppercase letters, digits, spaces and few symbols such as * and parentheses), so to make manipulation easier, we will use Data.ByteString.Char8, which will give us ByteString version of bunch of string functions. We will also need some version of isSpace to filter out unwanted spaces.

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Char (isSpace)

Obviously we will need Set. After Cassava breaks a record into fields, it keeps it as a Vector of ByteStrings. Since we will need to manipulate that a bit, we will need Data.Vector. Also, the parsed file will be represented as a vector of Sheets.

-- Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set

-- Vector
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector

Finally, we need mzero for parsing failure.

import Control.Monad (mzero)


Now we can actually define the types to represent the sheets:

data Option = A | B | C | D | E | Invalid deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data Sheet = 
        { name :: !Text
          , id :: !Text
          , answers :: [Set Option]
        deriving (Eq, Show)

We need to teach Cassava how to parse the Option type, as well as the Set Option. To do that, we declare Option and Set Option (with FlexibleInstances) to be of type class FromField. We need to implement a single function

parseField :: Field -> Parser a

where Field is a synonym for ByteString.

For Option, this is very easy: each of the valid letters gets parsed as the corresponding option, and everything else is Invalid:

instance FromField Option where
    parseField s
      | s == "A" = pure A
      | s == "B" = pure B
      | s == "C" = pure C
      | s == "D" = pure D
      | s == "E" = pure E
      | otherwise = pure Invalid

For Set Option, the parsing basically follows the three possible cases that can be in an answer column. The file generated by the machine does not contain any extra spaces, but technically the csv file can contain extra spaces after commas and perhaps at other places. Just to make sure, we will just simply filter all spaces out. Then we will cover the three cases:

  1. The answer is “BLANK”. That should be parsed as an empty set. It does not look like there will ever be an actually empty field, but just in case, that should be handled the same way as “BLANK”.

  2. The answer is a single letter. This should be parsed as a set containing a single option.

  3. The answer is a set of several letters. We already know that the input has more than 1 character, otherwise it would get handled by one of the first two cases, so we can safely use head and last. We can check if the head is ( and last ), in which case we strip these off, split the remaining part at commas, and parse the resulting list as Options.

  4. Nothing else should ever come up, but if something does anyway, we need to decide what to do. We can use mzero that would fail the parsing, but I don’t think that is what we want to do. Any unexpected result here would probably mean the sheet was really messed up, in which case we should just ignore it. Let’s make it the same as a single invalid answer.

instance FromField (Set Option) where
    parseField r
      | BS.length s == 0 || s == "BLANK" = pure Set.empty
      | BS.length s == 1 = Set.singleton <$> parseField s
      | BS.head s == '(' && BS.last s == ')' = 
          Set.fromList <$> 
             traverse parseField ( BS.split ',' . BS.init . BS.tail $ s)
      | otherwise = pure $ Set.singleton Invalid
      where s = BS.filter (not . isSpace) r

Now we have to put together a parser for the whole record. We need to make our Sheet type an instance of FromRecord. For that, we need to implement the function

parseRecord :: Record -> Parser a

where Record is a synonym for Vector Field and a is Sheet.

If the record has at least two fields, we will assume the first is the name, and the second is the ID. We will strip leading and trailing spaces from the name, and take only the last 7 characters from ID. Then the rest of the fields should be answers. We will use the fact that [a] is an instance of FromRecord if a has type class FromField. Since we made Set Option an instance of FromField, we can get Parser [Set Option] simply by applying parseRecord on the vector of remaining fields, after dropping the name and ID fields.

If the record has less than two fields, we simply use mzero to signal parsing failure.

instance FromRecord Sheet where
    parseRecord v
        | length v >= 2 = Sheet <$> 
            (Text.strip <$> v .! 0) <*> 
                (Text.takeEnd 7 <$> v .! 1) <*>
                    parseRecord (Vector.drop 2 v)
        | otherwise = mzero

That’s it! Now we are able to parse the csv files generated by our Scantron machine.

For the actual Math Olympics exams, we add Vector.take 25 call after the Vector.drop 2 v, because we know we only have 25 questions.


Let’s look at several quick examples of how this works. First we will define a function decodeRec that, when given a ByteString, will attempt to parse it as a Scantron sheet. First we will need to add

import Data.ByteString.Lazy

to the import section of our file. Then define

decodeRec :: Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> Either String (Vector Sheet)
decodeRec = decode NoHeader

We get the following results:

decodeRec "MARTY BLOOM       ,          2345678,A, A ,B,C,D,C,E,C,E,C,A,B,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D"


    [ Exam 
        { name = "MARTY BLOOM" 
        , id = "2345678" 
        , answers = 
            [ fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
decodeRec "MARTY BLANK       ,          2345678,A,A,,C,BLANK,C,E,C,E,,A,B,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D"


    [ Exam 
        { name = "MARTY BLANK" 
        , id = "2345678" 
        , answers = 
            [ fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList []
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList []
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList []
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
decodeRec "MULTI BLOOM       ,          2345678,A,A,\"(A,B,C)\",C,B,C,E,C,E,\"(D, E, B)\",A,B,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D"


    [ Exam 
        { name = "MULTI BLOOM" 
        , id = "2345678" 
        , answers = 
            [ fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList 
                [ A
                , B
                , C
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList 
                [ B
                , D
                , E
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
decodeRec "MARTY BAD         ,          2345678,A,A,X,C,D,C,E,C,E,C,A,B,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D"


    [ Exam 
        { name = "MARTY BAD" 
        , id = "2345678" 
        , answers = 
            [ fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ Invalid ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ E ]
            , fromList [ C ]
            , fromList [ A ]
            , fromList [ B ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
            , fromList [ D ]
decodeRec "MIGHTY WRONG       "


Left "parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: mzero) at "\n"" 

Obviously, the last error message could be somewhat more helpful than just “conversion error: mzero”.

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